Sep 07 / New partner - Intelligent Clout inc.
Tags / News
View count: 6821

kartogram and intelligent clout

Let us introduce you to our new partner - Intelligent Clout Inc. These guys are all about online presence and marketing and with their expertise in a reach we are now able to offer even wider range of services!

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Sep 05 / jQuery Custom Content Scroller custom scroll
Tags / jQuery
View count: 13598

If ever an idea of custom styled scrollbar crossed your mind you have probably heard of jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin already. It works a treat in bringing your design to new heights. And in appreciation of this amazing plugin below you will find some code which will add that little bit extra of the missing functionality.

Scrolling to the custom parts of the page using combination of links and anchors.

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Jul 07 / ColdFusion AJAX style file upload without page refresh
Tags / ColdFusion
View count: 7200

Ever tried to create an AJAX-style ColdFusion file upload form which executes without reloading the page? This is our take on this widely popular technique. With the help of ColdFusion, jQuery and 'hidden' iframe the following tutorial will show you how exactly you can achieve this.

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Jun 29 / The 'Hello World' post
Tags / general
View count: 3746

hello world post



Hi all. We are a little, Oxford-based web design and development agency providing bespoke solutions to clients who are looking for something a little out of the ordinary.  

This is our blog, a www space which will be used to reach out to our customers, fans and followers. We’ll be throwing in news, updates and tones of other useful tips, tricks and resources. From the first square in Photoshop to the blocks of code in ColdFusion, spiced up using jQuery and CSS, all will find its way here. So bookmark us or subscribe to RSS feed and let us know what you think!

And if you found your way here bypassing our website, click the ‘Main Site’ link in the left sidebar and check out our work.
