Entries Tagged as / plug-in

Mar 02 / Coldfusion LinkedIn API
Tags / ColdFusion, / plug-in
View count: 14300

It's been a while now that we were searching for a working ColdFusion LinkedIn API that would let users not only to receive data, but to submit some too. Although there were optional libraries such as linkedin-j, not everyone knows or wants to dip into the pure java world. Thanks to Derek Bowes, we stumbled across the LinkedIn.cfc which was a great plugin. The only trouble was that the plugin was already out of date since LinkedIn had updated their API in the second half of 2012, and now required member permissions were no longer a part of the original source code.

So we took the initiative to our hands and amended the plugin to allow users set the permissions required as well as the ability to post status updates.

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Apr 17 / Custom image zoom / lightbox plug-in
Tags / jQuery, / plug-in
View count: 19158

image zoom plugin cover

An image zoom/lightbox plug-in built using jquery. If you require a simple image preview this plug-in may be just what you're looking for. Plug-in uses no external CSS files or images yet giving you the whole variety of options for customisation.

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