Entries Tagged as / jQuery
So, the situation here is very straigth forward: you want to use $(document).one handler on something like pop-up settings box, which should be closed if user clicks anywhere outside of it. But what if the settings box in question has some elements inside it that need a separate handling and should keep the box open? Read inside on how to skip document.one event in such cases.
[ Read more ]If you use jQuery, you've certainly came across the trim() function. It's the quickest and painless way to remove the white space from the beginning and end of a string. However as much as jQuery tries to cover cross-browser compatibility, there's just this little that always gets missed out on. For a quick workaround read inside.
[ Read more ]There are times when you create a navigation layout that just cannot bear the outline property that is being added by browsers. Although it is not an issue in most of the latest ones, some of the older browsers such as IE 6 & 7 can give you a bit of a hard time accepting your unwillingness to use its standards. However, just as any other 'bug', this one's got a solution too.
Hit 'read more' to find out just how it can be solved in few simple steps.
[ Read more ]An image zoom/lightbox plug-in built using jquery. If you require a simple image preview this plug-in may be just what you're looking for. Plug-in uses no external CSS files or images yet giving you the whole variety of options for customisation.
[ Read more ]Familiar with malihu jQuery Custom Content Scroller? Or maybe even using it extensively on all the projects you lay your hands on? Read inside to find out how you can add mobile browser functionality to this otherwise extremely brilliant script.
If ever an idea of custom styled scrollbar crossed your mind you have probably heard of jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin already. It works a treat in bringing your design to new heights. And in appreciation of this amazing plugin below you will find some code which will add that little bit extra of the missing functionality.
Scrolling to the custom parts of the page using combination of links and anchors.
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